Q1: What is your main product? (please give us one single product and id/od range)?
A1: Our company’s main product is standard bearing (16.Inch-Size tapered roller bearings)
Q2: What other products do you produce? (different than your main product)?
A2: Our production mainly focuses on bearings like: deep groove ball bearing, cylindrical roller bearing, angular contact ball bearing, thrust ball bearing, thrust taper and thrust cylindrical roller bearings.
Q3: What is the quality level of your product?
A3: Our quality is first class for the domestic market.
Q4: What are the values that your customers appreciate the most?
A4: High quality of the product.
Q5: In your opinion, which are the capabilities to be added in order to deliver new value for your customers?
A5: Pay more attention on particular bearings’ performance.
Q6: What are the 3 major markets (industry and region) to explore and develop in the next 3-5 years?
A6: We want to mostly focus on the North American and European markets.
Q7: What is your marketing development for 2021?
A7: Online platforms and exhibitions.
Q8: What are your impression and expectations about the Expo?
A8: Positive! We hope that this Expo will give us a lot of opportunities.
Yan Xiaomei
Te:+86 137 9512 1668
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.dl-xlbearings.com